Monthly Archives: August 2006

Now in Atom-o-vision!

The sharpest manmade thing

You’re looking at one of the most awesome photographs I think I’ve ever seen… that big mass of thingies that look like titanium ping-pong balls (and which reminds me of the starship Fesarius from that old episode of Star Trek) is the tip of a tungsten needle, supposedly the sharpest object made by man, under extreme magnification. So extreme, in fact, that each of those little ping-pong balls is in fact an individual atom. That’s right, this is a photograph of freakin’ atoms. I find that simply astounding… almost as astounding as the fact that the technology to take these photographs has been around since 1951. Isn’t science amazing, kids?

The photo originated here; details of the technique used to take the photo are here.


Lord of the Beards

With the exception of two deeply traumatic weeks round about 1995, I’ve worn a full beard for nearly all of my adult life. My father has had one for most of his grown-up years, too, and so did my late uncle Louie. Beards are cool, man. But that’s not a message that’s too widely accepted here in arch-conservative Utah. Seriously, the population here is overwhelmingly clean-shaven. You see a fair number of goatees among the younger crowd, but very few full-on, manly-men-style beards. Moreover, a great many people in these parts seem to be profoundly uncomfortable with the thought of facial fur; I’ve heard beards decried as “unclean,” “unattractive,” and “Satanic.” I’ve heard people say that men with beards are “untrustworthy” because they’re “hiding something.” I even had a young lady tell me once as I struggled through a dry-spell that the reason I couldn’t get a date was because women don’t like beards. No women. Not one. (I suspect The Girlfriend might have something to say about that!)

Fortunately, not everyone in the world is so ignorant. Some people are sophisticated enough to recognize the inherent, undeniable grooviness of The Beard. People like whoever made today’s video treat, which cleverly reveals the true reason why the Lord of the Rings movies rocked:

(Let me give you a hint: it’s because “Even the f***ing trees have beards!”)

I don’t know about you, but I want one of those limited-edition beard cases…


Mars and the Moon

A few days ago, I received an e-mail that breathlessly announced that we’re about to experience the once-in-a-lifetime spectacle of the planet Mars looming as large in the nighttime sky as our own Moon. Never mind the fact that the Moon is much, much closer to the Earth than the fourth planet of our solar system, and common sense tells you that the nearer object will always look bigger than the farther one. Astronomer Phil Plait debunks this urban legend/spam message here. He’s pretty testy about seeing it again (this same message has circulated before), but, on the positive side, it does give him the chance to post a way-cool image of Mars and the Moon, which I’ve borrowed and am posting here for the enjoyment of my three loyal readers:


The Value of Proofreading

[Ed. note: just a quick reminder that in my day job, I’m a proofreader with a large corporation that is peripherally attached to the IT industry…]

Just between you and me, it’s not easy picking nits for a living.


Mr. Jackson on Line One…

This is great… I just received a phone call from Samuel L. Jackson, telling me I have to pick up The Girlfriend on August 18th and get down to the theater to see his new film, Snakes on a Plane, which he promises just might be the greatest film ever made. He even threatens to come after me if I don’t see it. And who am I to argue with Samuel L. Muthaf****ng Jackson?
The movie is totally going to blow, of course, even if it does turn out to be entertaining. I’m thinking it may be right up there with Robot Jox for pure, joyful suckitude, or at least in the neighborhood of that other immortal airplane-based action flick, Passenger 57. But I’ve got to admit, the marketing behind this end-of-summer, bottom-of-the-barrel, B-movie schlocker has been absolutely brilliant, beginning months ago with the Internet word-of-mouth and all the various home-brewed video parodies (here’s a Salon article detailing the Snakes phenomenon; sorry in advance for making you sit through a commercial to read it) and leading right up to this personalized phone call thing. The rising buzz around this film has been been organic, it’s been fun, and it’s all felt decidedly non-corporate. These days, when even the most minor of releases gets a co-branded Happy Meal and wall-to-wall TV ads, the grass-roots enthusiasm for Snakes is truly refreshing, and genuinely enticing. Oh, yeah, I’ll see Snakes on a Plane. It’ll suck, but it’s earned the privilege of my curiosity, at least.

Incidentally, if you’d like to hear my phone call from Mr. Jackson, I’ve recreated it here. Give a listen. It’s pretty amusing…


Vader: The Lean Years

Ever wonder what happened between the end of the Jedi Purge (Episode III) and the beginning of the Galactic Rebellion (Episode IV)? Let’s just say that times were tough for out-of-work Sith Lords:


The Worst Boss in the Universe

I don’t know that this next video clip qualifies as a fan film, since it’s composed of clips from an actual Star Wars movie rather than footage that someone shot in their back yard, but it’s a clever and funny editing job. The title is “Darth Vader being a smartass,” and that sums it up better than anything I can say:


The Other Vader

I’d dare say that there are hundreds of Star Wars fan films out there on the ‘net. I’d further dare say that most of them are pretty lame, amateurish attempts at parody that fall flatter than Wile E. Coyote’s face after he gets mooshed between a flying boulder and a cliff wall. But once in a while, you encounter one that is so inspired and genuinely funny that it becomes legend among the fan community. Kevin Rubio’s Troops, the first major Star Wars fan film, is one of those. So is Pink Five, the story of one of the lesser-known X-wing pilots who flew in the attack in against the first Death Star. And now I’ve found the latest “instant classic”: Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager. It’s the tale of Darth’s younger, less successful brother, who struggles to maintain order in the grocery store for his master, Randy, in spite of insubordinate checkers and his rival on the night shift. Two episodes appear after the break:


National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

It has come to my attention that today is “National Ice Cream Sandwich Day.” I can’t think of a food item more deserving of its own holiday than the ice cream sandwich, surely one of the greatest achievements of western civilization. I made it through middle school on an ice cream sandwich a day, purchased for 35 cents from these groovy vending machines on which you’d hit a big blue rectangular button, flip open a little door, and watch in awe as this conveyor-feed thingie raised your sandwich up into the slot. The whole thing looked like something you’d build with an erector set, and I haven’t seen a machine like this since about 1985. Sigh… good times.

The holiday I’m really looking forward to, however, is coming up on August 8th; that’s “Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night.” As anyone who’s ever been in Utah in the fall can attest, that’s the game that’d just keep on giving. Dang zucchini anyway. It’s like an unstoppable vegetable plague…
