Proving yet again that people can get their knickers in a knot over the silliest things (and that the Internet enables them to share their pet peeves with a far vaster audience than they probably deserve), I see that a guy named Pieter Hintjens has launched a campaign to rid the world’s keyboards of that pesky CAPS LOCK key. From his blog manifesto:
Monthly Archives: August 2006

More on the Apollo Tapes
The word about those missing Apollo 11 tapes that I wrote about the other day has hit the streets, and more information about what they are and where they may have gotten to is coming out. Here are a couple of worthy follow-up articles:

Not So Much
Here’s a kick in the metaphorical shorts: according to this doohickey, which generates a dollar value for your blog based on how frequently people link to you and the amount per link that AOL paid when it acquired Weblogs, Inc., Simple Tricks and Nonsense ain’t exactly in the big-time:
My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?
By contrast, Brian Greenberg’s blog, from which I learned of this little exercise in humility, is valued at $1,1289.08, and Scalzi’s Whatever (from which Brian learned of the doohickey in question) is worth just over $500K.
Man, I suck…

Bruno Kirby
Well, this sucks: character actor Bruno Kirby has died of leukemia at the tender age of 57. Way too young for someone who still had so much to offer.

Yummy, Part 2
As long as we’re looking at pretty girls today, here’s another photo I’ve had kicking around the old PC for awhile. That’s the charming Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette in Sofia Coppola’s movie of the same name, which is due out in October.
I find that I don’t have much to say about this. What is there to say, really? Sigh…

The image below is from an upcoming movie called DOA: Dead or Alive. (No doubt they had to spell out the name to avoid confusion with this D.O.A. and its remake; ah, who am I kidding? Nobody remembers those, they just spelled it out because it looked cool…)
I have no idea what this film is about and there’s every chance that it will stink like week-old salmon, but based on this one photo I’m probably going to see it anyway. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a pretty girl with a katana in her hand. Five pretty girls with katanas? Oooh, baby…
The usual instruction applies: click to enlarge. (Unfortunately, it doesn’t enlarge much, but you can get a little more of a view…)

Space News Round-up
Have you ever had a vivid dream of being at work, and then your alarm sounds and you end up all disoriented and bummed out because you thought you were already at work but now you realize you have to get up and actually go to work? Yeah, that’s how my day started, and it hasn’t gotten much better since then.
Luckily, I’ve had the InterWeb to provide me with some distraction: I’ve been catching up on my spaceflight-related news. Here are some highlights for any loyal readers who may be interested:

Movie Review: Miami Vice
Full disclosure: in one of my high-school yearbook photos, I am wearing an aquamarine t-shirt under a white cotton sport coat. I also had a poster of Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas on my bedroom wall for about five years. “You Belong to the City” was my personal theme song for a few months. I even eliminated BYU from my prospective colleges list after I learned that the school had a dress code which required young men to be clean-shaven and wear socks at all times. Yes, my friends, I was a fan of the old Miami Vice TV series. Still am, to be honest, and I’m not at all ashamed of it. Hey, I looked damn good in that aqua-colored shirt.
Knowing all that, not to mention my usual distaste for remakes, I’m sure you can imagine that I approached the new Miami Vice feature film with a great deal of trepidation.

Grab-bag of Local Movie-related Items
A few interesting items gleaned from the blog of local movie critic Sean P. Means:

Black Humor
Perusing the blogosphere’s reaction to the latest “security” restrictions imposed on air travelers, I ran across the following remark: