The Last Supper, Jedi-Style

Man, I really don’t know what to make of this one:


I received this today via e-mail from a co-worker; click it to enlarge and bask in the blasphemous oddity.

This is so weird on so many levels. For one thing, I’d say that Anakin is much closer to a Christ figure than Luke. After all, he’s the one who “dies” and comes back. But as my friend Cranky Robert will no doubt point out, the symbolism doesn’t quite match up because he doesn’t really redeem anyone except himself, and even that is arguable since his one act of repentance — saving his own son — doesn’t begin to make up for 20 years of slaughter and nastiness. Like I said, I really don’t know what to do with this…

However, I like the bottle of Cuervo on the table near Vader. I think whoever painted this must be very familiar with the shape of those bottles…


12 comments on “The Last Supper, Jedi-Style

  1. Cranky Robert

    . . . And what should we make of the fact that Chewbacca occupies the place of Judas (4th from the left in Leonardo’s original)?

  2. The Girlfriend

    That is a very strange picture. I’m not quite sure what to make of it, either.
    I’m rather amused that one has to be legal age to access the Cuervo site you linked to. Most entertaining.

  3. jason

    Anne, in my wanderings about the ‘net, I’ve noticed that most of the official booze company sites have those age verification features. Kind of silly considering that there’s really no verification going on there; a savvy kid could easily claim to be of legal age, and the computers wouldn’t know the difference.
    Robert, I imagine I’m thinking about this far more than it’s worth — whoever painted this probably didn’t give much thought to which characters ought to be where — but I would say the Judas figure in the SW story would have to be Qui-Gon Jinn, if you take the read that Judas’ betrayal was a necessity to ensure that Jesus’ purpose as a savior was fulfilled. It was all planned, in other words; it seems like I’ve even heard of variants in the tale where Jesus takes Judas into His confidence and tells him he must betray Him, although I can’t say for sure where I got that from. I never have gone to Sunday School much, so it could be something I made up. 🙂
    But if we go with that line of reasoning, Qui-Gon’s apparent foolishness in forcing the dangerous potential of the boy Anakin upon the Jedi served the same purpose, to ensure that, in the end, the stagnant Jedi order and corrupt Republic were swept away and balance restored to the Force. Whatever that’s supposed to mean…

  4. Cranky Robert

    I think there’s not nearly enough exposition within the films to support such an interpretation, but it’s an interesting conjecture.

  5. jason

    Well, like I said, I’m probably giving this subject way more thought than it’s worth… 🙂

  6. Cranky Robert

    Jason, we’re both so dumb. Ruthie just pointed out the obvious: Lando Calrissian should be in the Judas position!
    Also, she’s impressed (horrified?) that I can spell Calrissian. Help me here, buddy. I’m not spelling it correctly, am I? Just say no.

  7. jason

    Hate to break it to you, pal, but you are, in fact, spelling it correctly…
    Don’t feel too badly, though. After all, what does it say about me that I’m the one to confirm the spelling? Yeesh…

  8. Jen B

    Holy frijoles.
    I must say, the artist must have a lot of time on his/her hands to do something like this. But I’m with Robert… Calrissian is the obvious Judas figure. But you’re right… the artist probably wasn’t giving much thought to figure placement and was just trying to recreate the scene with as many recognizable characters as possible.

  9. Cranky Robert

    I want to know why there’s no blue milk.

  10. jason

    Yeah, you can’t have supper without blue milk! (Actually, I’m wondering what the heck is on those plates… bantha steaks? Not very appetizing, whatever it may be…)

  11. Cranky Robert

    Bantha. It’s what’s for dinner.

  12. Ann Vallier

    [unlurk] I like it, but… Too many evils at the table. Replace Boba Fett and Darth Maul with Qui-Gon and Padme and I think you’d have a winner. If Luke is to be the Christ-figure, then Vader should take the Judas position. “It was his destiny.” [relurk]