The Inspiring World of Classic Star Trek

I’m way behind the curve in linking to that website that parodies corporate motivational posters with Star Trek-inspired messages — I think Boing Boing covered this item two weeks ago — but I wouldn’t be a good Trekkie if I didn’t share my favorite with y’all anyway, so here you go:

Spocks Brain rocks!

I’m sure that means nothing to the non-fanboys out there, but trust me, to those in the know, this is very funny. I also like this one, this one, and this one, just in case you were wondering. Oh, and of course this one, which earns triple points for referencing The Wrath of Kahn (the best of the ST movies) and Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, all in one pithy little package.
And for a special bonus treat today, may I present the following? It’s a home-brewed music video called “Warp Factor Love.” It is undoubtedly the catchiest Trek-inspired, ’80s-sounding love song with a vaguely homoerotic undertone ever recorded:

