The Other Vader

I’d dare say that there are hundreds of Star Wars fan films out there on the ‘net. I’d further dare say that most of them are pretty lame, amateurish attempts at parody that fall flatter than Wile E. Coyote’s face after he gets mooshed between a flying boulder and a cliff wall. But once in a while, you encounter one that is so inspired and genuinely funny that it becomes legend among the fan community. Kevin Rubio’s Troops, the first major Star Wars fan film, is one of those. So is Pink Five, the story of one of the lesser-known X-wing pilots who flew in the attack in against the first Death Star. And now I’ve found the latest “instant classic”: Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager. It’s the tale of Darth’s younger, less successful brother, who struggles to maintain order in the grocery store for his master, Randy, in spite of insubordinate checkers and his rival on the night shift. Two episodes appear after the break:

Chad Vader, episode 1:

Chad Vader, episode 2:

Unfortunately, my information indicates that there’s not going to be a third episode, so we’re stuck with the cliffhanger ending…


3 comments on “The Other Vader

  1. The Girlfriend

    I’ll have to add these to my list of stuf to watch from Mom’s computer the next time I’m out in Tooele. 🙂

  2. jason

    Your boss really needs to get broadband, hon. 🙂

  3. The Girlfriend

    I’ve got broadband. What I don’t have is a decent monitor or sound.