Wither Freedom Fries?

Score one for common sense: the House of Representatives cafeteria has quietly changed its menu nomenclature so that you can once again order french fries and french toast. Remember, if you will, the attack of silliness that broke out on the eve of the Iraq War when the hyper-patriots, miffed that the French weren’t tripping all over themselves to march into the meat grinder at our side, retagged the House’s potato wedges and grilled egg-bread with the prefix “freedom.” It was a ridiculous gesture that accomplished little beyond making Americans look offensively petty and stupid — something we really didn’t need considering the beating that our country’s image was taking in the international press anyhow — and it rightfully turned into a late-night punchline. And now it’s rightfully been rectified and consigned to the Memory Hole.

If only the war could be so easily undone as well.


One comment on “Wither Freedom Fries?

  1. The Girlfriend

    I guess we’ll have to take our victories where we can find them.