The 8th Grade Science Quiz

Well, this is reassuring:

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!


Apparently I haven’t forgotten everything I learned in school… except how to concentrate on work instead of taking silly Internet quizzes, of course…


4 comments on “The 8th Grade Science Quiz

  1. The Girlfriend

    I got 6/8. Not too bad for someone who only passed high school science by dating the science sterling scholar. 🙂

  2. jason

    Which ones did you miss?

  3. Brian Greenberg

    I got 7/8. That’s the worst possible score. WHICH ONE DID I GET WRONG?!? TELL ME!!! TELL ME, DAMN YOU!!!!
    (7…8…9…10. OK, I’m better now. Sorry…)

  4. The Girlfriend

    Don’t know. It doesn’t tell you.