The Pizza Challenge Monster

Oh, good Lord! This pizza thing just keeps getting more and more elaborate. Brian Greenberg has the latest details, but, in a nutshell, these crazy kids are now planning to fly Dave, the owner of Utah’s own Este, out to NYC with a chilled pie (not frozen, as that apparently yields unsatisfactory results) which he will bake somewhere in or around Rockefeller Center. Assuming, of course, that Brian can talk a nearby pizzeria into the use of their oven for some dippy Internet stunt. Meanwhile, Este Dave has decided to challenge three top New York pizza-makers and maybe one in Cincinnati. Brian fears this may turn into a full-blown reality-TV show before it’s over, and I can’t say I blame him. My head-spin is now up to about 45 RPMs; when it reaches 78, I’m going to start talking like Alvin the Chipmunk…


8 comments on “The Pizza Challenge Monster

  1. The Girlfriend

    Holy cow. This has really gone wild. I think they should fly you to NYC, too, since it all started on your blog. And I’ll have to come as your personal assistant. 🙂

  2. jason

    Well, of course! I’m sure if we want to go, we can… as for who pays for the airfare and the time off, well, how much do you have left from Vegas? 🙂

  3. chenopup

    yeah, this has gone wild. We’ll put Utah foodstuffs on the map with this!

  4. Brian Greenberg

    If ABC is really going to cover this, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t spring for three tickets to NYC. With hotel, that’s like $2,000, which has got to be fairly low budget for show segment.
    At this point, I say we ask for the moon – no one has said no yet… :-O

  5. jason

    You’re probably right, Brian, but I tend to keep my sights set fairly low. Less chance of disappointment that way… 😉
    Cheno is the optimist of this bunch…

  6. Brian Greenberg

    Hey…guess what: we’re famous (again)! I dropped Scalzi a note last night telling him what’s going on (since it was his blog that led me here, after all) and he’s now blogged about the Pizza Challenge:

  7. jason

    Oh boy… that head-spin just kicked up a couple of RPMs… I’m getting dizzy…

  8. The Girlfriend

    Stop the world, I want to get off. 🙂