Offline for a Few Days

Hey, kids, just a little FYI: The Girlfriend and I are leaving first thing in the morning for a road trip to Sin City. No, not that Sin City (although I’m sure we could find a spiritual sister to skinny little Nancy Callahan easily enough) — I’m talking about wonderful Las Vegas here, home of the World Series of Poker and really cheap shrimp cocktail. My good friend Jeremy and his wife, who live down there, are expecting their first child in November, so we thought it’d be good to get together before everything changes. I’m told it’s hotter than hell in Vegas right now, but this is the week that worked best for everyone.

Besides, it’s hotter than hell here in the SLC, too, so it’s not like we won’t be used to it.

I was hoping I’d find the time tonight to write a good long entry about the events of last weekend, but it’ll have to wait, as it’s late and I need to get some rest for tomorrow’s drive. I intend to remain blissfully unplugged while I’m gone, so no fresh content until next week. Feel free to leave comments if you like, but they’ll wait in limbo until I have the chance to review them.
Have a good one, loyal readers, and like the running gag in John Landis films, see you next Wednesday!
