One More Thing

One last thought on Superman Returns, which will no doubt brand me once and for all as a nitpicker on the level of The Simpsons‘ Comic Book Guy:

I hated the new supersuit. The colors were too muted, especially the cape, the textured fabric was weird (reminded me of Aquaman’s outfit, actually) and the big plastic S-shield on the chest just looked, well, like a big plastic shield.

I understand that it’s hard to make something like tights and a cape look cool, or like something that someone would actually wear in the real world (reference the very funny line in X-Men about “yellow spandex”), but is a dingy wetsuit the best they could do?

Yes, I am a dork…


2 comments on “One More Thing

  1. chenopup

    In trying to thing about how to respond.. I’ll throw something back at you 16 years later…
    F*** You, I liked Superman!
    I could list the faults as well, but as I mentioned in my email to you, I didn’t start picking it apart until after the film. That was at least a good sign that I was entertained.
    What I hear they cut out was Clark walking on Ma Kent and Ben Hubbard…. that’s why he ended up leaving for 5 years.

  2. jason

    How did I know that the Darkman thing was going to come up in this conversation? 😉
    I was entertained as well, and I honestly didn’t think it was a bad film. I was just uncertain about how well the effort to link it to the Reeve movies worked, and disappointed that the possibilities of this plotline weren’t more fully explored. It was good enough that I’d be willing to see another adventure of Brandon Routh’s Superdude.
    I hadn’t heard about the Ma and Ben subplot — what I heard was that a cut line explained he didn’t intend to be gone so long but got “blown off course.” Anne says she’s also heard that Bryan Singer considered the 9/11 angle I mentioned but decided against it, and that he was trying to get Jude Law to play Zod. Interesting, all these “what ifs…”