Live and Direct… Sort Of

My three loyal readers (and you know who you are) may have noticed that Simple Tricks went unexpectedly missing yesterday. That’s because my friend and webmaster Jack was switching the site over to a new server from the broken-down old ENIAC we’ve been using. He assures me the new hardware will be faster and more efficient on the back-end; I don’t know if you folks out there in InternetLand will notice any difference, but you may see some improvements in load-up times or something.

So far, it appears that the transfer of the blog has been carried off without a hitch. Everything that was here before is here now. I think. If anyone notices any problems I haven’t seen, please let me know. The photo gallery, on the other hand, is going to be in flux for a couple of days while Jack upgrades the gallery software and I perform some housekeeping I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I’ll let you all know when that’s back, too…


One comment on “Live and Direct… Sort Of

  1. Cranky Robert

    Good to see you back on the air. Net. Whatever.