
Just a few of the interesting links I’ve run across today:

  • Remember that gag video about how the iPod package would look like if it was designed by Microsoft? It seems that was created by Microsoft itself as an in-house presentation about the problems of branding and packaging. Details here.
  • Courtesy of Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy Blog, a pretty nifty animated gif of Earth rising into the Martian sky. Naturally, this was assembled using photos taken by those amazing little Mars rovers. As Phil points out, “Everyone you know is in that picture, on that tiny mote of light.” I find this humbling, and really, really cool.
  • And finally, something that should come in most useful for you “workin’ for the weekend” types, a German blog that demonstrates through photographs 1,000 methods for opening a bottle of beer. Prost!

Have a good night, folks…
