Superhero for a Day

Although tear-jerking, heart-warming tales of sick little kids are all over the Internet and I suspect at least half of them are probably bull, this one raised a genuine lump in this old curmudgeon’s throat: last Friday, the Idaho chapter of the Make-a-Wish Foundation organized virtually the entire city of Boise to fulfill a young cancer victim’s desire to become a superhero. Yes, a superhero, complete with a costume, a super-villain to pursue, and super-sidekicks to help out. The kid girl even got a phone call from Adam West, which is kind of silly when you think about it; a six-year-old wouldn’t remember Michael Keaton’s Batman — or even Val Kilmer‘s or George Clooney‘s — let alone West‘s. (West was no doubt cheaper than the other fellows.) Still, what a great gesture of community compassion. And just about the time I was ready to give up on the whole human species as a bunch of selfish jerks…


6 comments on “Superhero for a Day

  1. The Girlfriend

    What a great story. I was a little suprised when I followed the link to the story and found out the sick child is a little girl. You don’t usually expect girls to want to be superheros.

  2. jason

    I thought I’d mentioned that little factoid in the entry. Have to go back and edit…

  3. Very Cranky Robert

    This is indeed very sweet. But did they have to call the villain “Black”??

  4. jason

    Troubled by the racial overtone or the appalling lack of imagination?
    (I’d guess the uninspired name resulted from the latter; they’re philanthropists, not writers and/or fanboys…)

  5. The Girlfriend

    Actually, it’s the name that has been given to the suspicious looking guy on the Neighborhood Watch signs. Not sure who named him, but I’ve heard it used before.

  6. jason

    This article was the first time I was even aware of him having a name…