Sci-Fi Armor Becoming Real

From the “We’re living in the Future!” department comes news of a wild new “liquid armor” that could supplement or even replace the conventional Kevlar vests used by soldiers, law-enforcement officers, and anti-government wackos. At the very least, it could protect the unarmored limbs that kids are currently losing in Iraq:

“We can make thin layers of material for use on the arms and legs that remain flexible under normal motion, but become rigid and absorb energy when impacted by a ballistic threat or a knife,” [researcher Norman] Wagner says.

Cool, cool stuff. Of course, science-fiction writers came up with this idea a long time ago, so this is really only a case of life imitating art… which brings me back to my usual question: where is my Skywalker-style speeder bike, anyhow?


12 comments on “Sci-Fi Armor Becoming Real

  1. Cranky Robert

    Since the XP-38 came out,
    they’re just not in demand.

  2. jason

    Damn those XP-38s… sure they’re flashy-looking with those twin repulsorlift outlets that all the kids like, and all the chrome, but they probably ride like an asthmatic bantha…

  3. Cranky Robert

    I confess you’ve lost me. But I trust you know what you’re talking about!

  4. Brian Greenberg

    Yeah, but they have that built-in DVD player, plus cupholders! Lots of cupholders!

  5. The Girlfriend

    You two are scaring me again…

  6. jason

    Well, the cupholders are nice, I’ll give you that… and Robert, the scary thing is that I do know what I’m talking about!

  7. Cranky Robert

    Cupholders are great. Now you can take Aunt Beru’s Green Vegetable Mush with you!

  8. jason

    Green mush? Are you referring to the “blue milk” (as it’s known in fanboy circles)? Or whatever she’s making by dropping Brussel sprouts into the atomic food processor while Owen shouts himself hoarse?

  9. Cranky Robert

    I should have had my facts straight on this. I just assumed those Brussel sprouts (look more like endive to me) would make green mush.
    Is there anything you don’t know about Star Wars??

  10. jason

    Yes… I don’t know why its creator hates it so much! 😉
    I think you’re right about those veggies she’s preparing being endive instead of Brussel sprouts — I may know everything about Star Wars, but I’m kind of hazy on cooking!

  11. Cranky Robert

    I don’t think endive grows on Tattoine. I can’t even get a decent one at Ralph’s.

  12. jason

    Of course endive grows on Tatooine… what the heck do you think Uncle Owen was so eager to harvest? Those vaporators must be making water for something!