Patrick Stewart’s Dream Project

I don’t know about you kids, but I’ve had a bad week. One of those butt-kicking, every-day-I-hit-the-ground-running, too-much-to-do-and-not-enough-time-to-do-it-in, my-pointy-haired-boss-is-talking-again-why-won’t-he-just-shut-up! kind of weeks. A big, long, five-day gruel-fest of petty annoyances and mounting frustrations that has me thinking that maybe, just maybe, it was a bad idea for that primordial ooze to start assembling itself into proteins in the first place. In other words, I’m totally knackered.
So what do I need at the end of a week that has seen me gobbling Excedrin by the fist-full? If you said, “Irish whiskey,” well, yes, of course, you’re right, but I am still at work, so I’d better hold off on that option until later. In the meantime, how about a video clip of respected, dignified Shakespearean actor (and TV and movie star) Patrick Stewart telling an aspiring writer all about his own screenplay, a vanity piece about a man with the psychic ability to remove women’s clothes? Ah, yes, that’ll do nicely…

For some reason, YouTube won’t allow me to embed this clip here at Simple Tricks, so you’ll have to click the link above and go watch it elsewhere. Or, if that’s too much trouble, you could click this one. Trust me, it’s worth the effort…


4 comments on “Patrick Stewart’s Dream Project

  1. Cranky Robert

    This is hilarious! These two guys are great together. Thanks for the much-needed laugh.

  2. jason

    Glad you enjoyed it! God knows I needed the laugh after the week I’ve been having…
    Stewart has a fabulous deadpan delivery, doesn’t he?

  3. The Girlfriend

    NO FAIR!!! I hate it when you post stuff that I can’t listen to at work. I think you should at least provide me with a transcript. 🙂

  4. jason

    You could probably download across your dial-up link faster than I could type it up…