Rich Corinthian Leather

I don’t know what frightens me more: the fact that the Internet has finally revealed its true purpose as the repository of all the pop-cultural detritus of the last 50 years; the fact that I love the first fact so damn much; or the fact that I get all warm and nostalgic over a TV commercial that I must’ve seen 52,432 times during my childhood:

Incidentally, the wikipedia says that “‘Corinthian leather’ was a meaningless term invented for the [ad campaign], but has since come to designate leather with a vinyl surface treatment that requires little care.” Just in case you were wondering. And even if you weren’t, I just had to throw it out there, because Ricardo Montalban rocks


2 comments on “Rich Corinthian Leather

  1. chenopup

    man, when it get’s rainy, that’s when you want a rich, Corinthian leather jacket. Repels water, while remaining supple, yet dignified.
    Wonder if I could find any in a junk yard?

  2. jason

    Corinthian leather? Nah, the scavengers strip it all out of the old Cordoba wrecks to sell to the S&M crowd. Far more lucrative than fencing stereos and hubcaps…