Non-Iconic Icons

So, federal anti-terrorism funding to New York City has been cut by 40% because the Department of Homeland Security says there are no icons or national monuments there. John Scalzi, a resident of Ohio mind you, identifies some of the “non-icons” DHS may have missed, including the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building, and the New York Stock Exchange, not to mention that big green lady out in the harbor.

Is there anyone left out there who really believes the Bush Administration knows what it’s doing? Anyone?


5 comments on “Non-Iconic Icons

  1. The Girlfriend

    The things they do and say just continue to amaze me.

  2. jason

    “Amaze” isn’t the first word that comes to my mind…

  3. The Girlfriend

    frustrate, infuriate, either of those better?

  4. jason

    Yeah, those are a little nearer to the green…

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Check out the comment thread on Scalzi’s post. I won’t attempt to recreate the discussion here; let’s just say this is a cross between an opaque government classification scheme and an opportunity to make great political hay.