Samuel L. Jackson was in The Ten Commandments?

It’s a mellow Friday morning here at my day job as we head into a three-day weekend. Seems like the perfect time for an amusing video, wouldn’t you say?

I’ve noticed kind of a mini-trend on the InterWebs recently, fake movie trailers that are edited and scored to make well-known films seem like something completely different: The Shining reinterpreted as a heartwarming family drama, for instance, or Stand By Me with gentle Gordie recast as some kind of psycho killer. But I think I’ve got one that has those beat: how about The Ten Commandments as a teen high-school comedy?

A word of warning: uber-cool Samuel L. Jackson (playing “Principal Firebush”) says a very naughty word toward the end of this thing, so you might not want to play this if you’re at work or if you have sensitive ears…

You know, these things are made as gags, obviously, but they are interesting from a filmmaking perspective, because they demonstrate how easy it is to completely change the tone of something depending on the way scenes are assembled or what music plays behind them. And the people who create trailers know this and have gotten extremely skilled at their jobs. There seem to be more great trailers these days than great movies…


4 comments on “Samuel L. Jackson was in The Ten Commandments?

  1. The Girlfriend

    Remind me to watch this tomorrow at my parents house.

  2. jason

    Will do – but you better not let your folks overhear Sam Jackson’s naughty word. They wouldn’t be amused…

  3. Cranky Robert

    This is priceless.

  4. jason

    I figured you’d like it, Robert. I’m particularly fond of The Romantics playing over the orgy scene. Gives all that idolatry and wickedness such a happy-go-lucky feeling…