New Sub-categories

Why, yes, I have blogged quite a bit today, thank you for noticing. Work was a little slow and I kept finding more interesting things to think about. It’s been kind of fun, actually; I imagine my day has been similar to what the pro bloggers experience. But the Day of the Blog is winding down now, and I’m tired. Time for bed.

I’d like to leave you with one final note before I call it a night, though. FYI, I have added some more sub-categories to help you find entries on specific topics. Under Film Studies, you can now go directly to all my movie reviews, my various Star Wars-related ramblings, and my tributes to those in the film industry who’ve passed on, if you’re into any of those things. I’ve also created an “In Memoriam” sub-category under The Glass Teat heading, which comprises my entries on television (the name comes from a Harlan Ellison book I’ve got kicking around the Bennion Archives somewhere), but I haven’t populated that one yet, so don’t expect to see anything there for a day or two. Oh, and I’ve also added an “Egregious Corporate-speak” sub-cat, just as I’ve been threatening to do. I don’t know if you folks in InternetLand really find the entries about proofreading all that amusing, but it amuses me to catalog the linguistic wreckage I come across during my day job. It lets me vent about them, anyhow.

I’m planning to add a number of other sub-cats, too, including one on all the memes and Internet quizzes I enjoy doing, and maybe one to collect my references to Star Trek. If you have any suggestions for additional ones you’d find useful, just leave them in comments below.

And now, to bed. Good night, all…
