German Superheroes

This makes me smile: it seems a gang of German anarchists is dressing up as superheroes, knocking over gourmet food markets for high-end chow instead of money, and giving the booty to the poor:

The gang members seemingly take delight in injecting humour into their raids, which rely on sheer numbers and the confusion caused by their presence. After they plundered Kobe beef fillets, champagne and smoked salmon from a gourmet store on the exclusive Elbastrasse [in Hamburg], they presented the cashier with a bouquet of flowers before making their getaway.


The latest robbery is part of a pattern over the past several months, suggesting that the thieves deliberately set out to highlight what they perceive as the inequality inherent in German society.

The linked article notes that “The gang are also behind black market cinema tickets which they distribute free to the poor, and they have printed leaflets telling passengers how to dodge ticket inspectors on the city’s underground and buses.”
No word as to which superheroes they are dressing as, however. Personally, I like to imagine Green Lantern handing out purloined steaks and forged movie tickets. Green Lantern is cool


2 comments on “German Superheroes

  1. The Girlfriend

    Very cool. I can just imagine the scene. Makes the robbery at the arcade all those years ago seem almost boring. 🙂

  2. jason

    Well, this certainly sounds much more pleasant than what you went through…