Decisions, Decisions

Here’s another tidbit from my old Cinemark padfolio, a quote that I apparently found inspiring or at least interesting back in the day:

Writing, like film directing, is a matter of making endless decisions. Every word, every sentence, the order of the paragraphs — everything is a decision. There are an infinite number of possibilities in putting something together as you write. Because of this, if a person is not decisive, he will never write anything.

–Lawrence Kasdan

If the name isn’t familiar, Kasdan is a screenwriter and director best known for the ensemble dramas The Big Chill and Grand Canyon. He also wrote the screenplays for The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark, based on outlines by the Great Flanneled One. Click here for his filmography.


3 comments on “Decisions, Decisions

  1. anne

    That’s a very interesting idea. I’ve never thought of writing like that.

  2. chenopup

    Great quote!
    Kasdan is a master writer. Very talented guy.

  3. jason

    Yeah, I really like his films. I wish he worked more. And that Uncle George had called him to work on the Star Wars prequels. 🙂