What’s Missing?

Are you suffering from a vague sense of aimlessness? A feeling that you ought to be gearing up for something big and exciting, but you can’t think of what it might be? Wondering why it seems like there’s something different about this spring than other recent years? Maybe these cartoons will help you figure out the problem:



Ah, the memories…

[Ed. note: FYI and for the sake of doing it all semi-properly, those strips are from Mark Tatulli’s Heart of the City.]


2 comments on “What’s Missing?

  1. Jen B

    Yup, I identify a little with this…

  2. jason

    I identify with it a lot. Between the Star Wars prequels and Lord of the Rings, I don’t think a year has passed since ’99 when there wasn’t some big event movie worth taking time off from work to see on opening day. For me, Revenge of the Sith was the big climax to all of that geekiness, and now it feels like some chapter of my life has closed. I feel pretty sad about it, to be honest…