Final Price for the Enigma

In case anyone is curious, the winning bid price on that Enigma machine that was up for auction on eBay came to 55,000 euros, or approximately $67,480.29. The thing I wonder is whether that’s a significant investment for the winner or merely pocket change…


2 comments on “Final Price for the Enigma

  1. anne

    Wow. I wish I had that kind of pocket change. 🙂 I noticed that the buyer has no feedback rating. Must have signed up just for this one item. I hope it’s everything he expects it to be.

  2. jason

    If it’s not, some rich bastard is going to be very unhappy… 🙂
    I imagine the buyer is probably either a museum or an individual with sufficient assets that they wouldn’t even notice a price tag of less of 100K.