Bid on a Piece of History!

Here’s a little something for you history buffs who have plenty of disposable income: Via Boing Boing, I see that someone has what appears to be a genuine Enigma cipher machine up for auction on eBay.

Enigma for sale!

The Enigma was, of course, the cryptographic device famously used by the Nazis during World War II to generate coded messages. It also happens to be a cool-looking artifact of the pre-electronic world; I’d love to have one of these things in my curio cabinet! (Hint hint, if there are any really generous and wealthy people reading my humble blog…)


4 comments on “Bid on a Piece of History!

  1. anne

    How very cool. If only old machines like these could talk and tell us what they’ve seen…

  2. jason

    That’s the romance of antiques, isn’t it?

  3. anne

    It’s up to $30,000 with over 3 days left.

  4. jason

    Alrighty. That generous person who’s going to send me a nice tchotchke for my curio cabinet had better have a nice stock portfolio…