Ancient Computers

Once, a long, long time ago, I wrote on this blog that I remembered “when computers were large metal cabinets that contained spinning tape reels and lots of blinky lights.” If you remember that, too, and want to reminisce, or if you’re one of them youngish whippersnappers who can’t imagine what those zinc-plated, vaccuum-tubed days of yore must’ve looked like, head on over to James Lileks’ latest offering, a collection of vintage promotional computer photos enlightened by his wry (and unabashedly geeky) commentary.

I especially liked the commentary on this one, in which Jim manages to reference Colossus: The Forbin Project, The Terminator, Young Frankenstein, and Star Wars in less than 300 words. Gotta admire that.


2 comments on “Ancient Computers

  1. Cranky Robert

    Apparently in bygone days you were only allowed to hire slender, young hotties with stylish hairdos to operate the terminals.

  2. jason

    Which is as it should be, my friend. 😉