
Lileks articulates my greatest frustration… and fear:

I have a large project that needs to be done. It’s the novel…. Part of me wants to give in to the Elves of Self-Doubt, who show up by the score and bang me over the head with small hammers until I realize there’s no point to writing the damn thing, but I really like the idea. It’s a matter of finding the time. This is where “not winning the lottery” is a major impediment, because I cannot stroll back to the Writing Hut at the edge of the Manor and type uninterrupted. Everything else I can do with constant interruption, both external and internal — but it’s hard to get into the groove when something else is always nipping at my heels. No matter how good the idea is, enthusiasm is evanescent, and I worry that this one will just evaporate with time.


5 comments on “Evaporation

  1. chenopup

    you’re off work at 6 – pack a dinner and head to the library for 3 hours prior to close. I’m sick as a dog from the long hours but I think it’s just getting into some sort of routing sans interuption.

  2. Cranky Robert

    I gotta agree with Cheno here, Jason. It’s not easy by any means, but you’d be surprised how much momentum you can build with three or even two hours of focused work per day. A real key is to find a place that’s just for writing. The library is a great idea. Home is the worst place because it’s too easy to not work. You were born to write, Jason. Carpe diem!

  3. anne

    I’ve been trying to get you to set up a specific wrting time for years…

  4. jason

    Alright, everyone, alright, I get the point…
    Sheesh, you just post a little wistful commentary about the inconvenience of having to work for a living…

  5. chenopup

    you’re preaching to the choir, buddy. Don’t bark about an 8 hour day when you have trax time and no family!!! Partially why I’ve seen so few movies lately. Gots to do the writing. Robert’s right though, you were born to write.