Musical Meme

Here’s a quickie musical meme, courtesy of Scalzi:

Using this site, find and reveal the song that was #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart the day you were born.

The #1 song on the day I came into the world, September 15, 1969, was “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies. A dippy little tune, but harmless and memorable, in that persistent audio-virus kind of way. I can live with it.

Incidentally, as I look over this song list, I find that the last #1-on-my-birthday I actually liked was Guns ‘n’ Roses’ “Sweet Child o’ Mine,” way back in 1988. And if that’s not sufficient to reveal how unhip I am, I don’t even recognize any of the songs from that year forward, a span of almost 20 years now, except for Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” in ’98 and — God help me — the Macarena in ’96.

I will now hang my head in shame and prepare for your hoots of derision…

[Addendum: Okay, I’ve been looking at that list again and I realized that I also know the song from 2000, Madonna’s “Music.” And the title of that Nelson tune from ’90 sounds vaguely familiar. But still, I think it’s pretty obvious that I disconnected from popular music in a major way sometime around 1989. Personally, I blame Kurt Cobain…]


7 comments on “Musical Meme

  1. Anne

    My birth day song is “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart” by the Bee Gees.
    I’m fairing a little better over-all. I recognize most of the songs before 1996. 🙂

  2. jason

    Yeah, but if I know you, you don’t recognize much prior to about ’83, right? 🙂

  3. anne

    Actually, except for “Bad Girls” in 1979, “The Morning After” in 1973 and “Alone Again” in 1972, I’m alright. 🙂

  4. jason

    You’d know “The Morning After” for sure if you heard it, and probably “Alone Again,” too. Given your hatred of all things disco, any knowledge of “Bad Girls” would be a long shot for you.
    Curious thing I noticed looking over the list for August 3rd versus my September 15th list: I seem to like summertime hits more than autumn ones. Weird, eh?

  5. Cranky Robert

    Mine is “Brand New Key” by Melanie (Jan 2, 1972). I haven’t the faintest idea what song this is. Does all popular music just suck??

  6. Jen B

    Mine was “Sister Golden Hair” by America. I would probably know it if I heard it.
    Probably my favorite birthday song is “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears in 1985. 🙂

  7. jason

    I don’t think so, Robert, but then I’m known for my low-brow, bourgeois tastes. 🙂
    Jen, I’m sure you’d know “Sister Golden Hair,” unless your family just never listened to pop music while you were growing up (I do know a few people with that particular hole in their personal experiences).
    As for my favorite song on the list for my birthday, I’d have to say — brace yourselves — “My Sharona” by The Knack, #1 on Sept. 15, 1979. Truly the best song about statuatory rape ever recorded. 🙂