Ruthie Wins an Award!

You may recall back in August when I announced that my friend Ruthie Ellenson’s first book had just been published. Well, there’s been further news regarding Ruthie and her book. I’ll let the message I just received from her husband, the irrepressible Cranky Robert (as he’s known in these parts), speak for itself:

Hi everyone,


I’m very happy to announce that Ruthie’s book *The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt* has won the *National Jewish Book Award* for women’s studies!!!!


I’m sure everyone joins me in wishing Ruthie a very *big congratulations* on a truly great achievement!!


All the best,

So now not only do I know a published author, I also know an award-winning author. Props to me! Oh, and, of course, to Ruthie…

Seriously, this is a very cool development. I’m sure the rest of my tiny little following here at Simple Tricks will join me in giving Ruthie our most sincere congratulations.


2 comments on “Ruthie Wins an Award!

  1. anne


  2. Cranky Robert

    Thanks very much, Jason. I am extremely proud of Ruthie and all her contributors who worked hard to make the book a success!