Don’t Mention the Hair…

If you, like me, are showing the world more and more of your skull with each passing year, through no desire or action of your own, and you’re not terribly happy about that state of affairs, fear not, for Bruce Willis knows your pain:

You’ve all seen it, you’ve all read it, you’ve all seen the little things trying to make you feel less of a man because you’re losing your hair, but they can all suck my… you know what I mean? I’m a man and I will kick anybody’s ass who tries to tell me that I’m not a man because my hair’s thinning.

I try not to be too self-conscious about the hair-loss thing — God knows plenty of other men in my age demo have the same issue these days — but every once in a while it feels really good to ball up my fist and let out a defiant shout, you know?
