Things That Occurred To Me Tonight About 24

Just a few thoughts I had while watching tonight’s exciting episode of 24:

  1. The Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU) has the most cutting-edge intelligence-gathering technology in the world, but they apparently hire their internal security people from the same outfit that Gary Coleman used to work for. Honestly, the DMV has tighter security than this place…
  2. In a related item, how many moles and leaks has CTU had over the last five seasons? How many does it take before a Congressional oversight committee starts asking questions? You’d think after the Nina fiasco way back in Season One, they’d be extra-special-careful about vetting people and monitoring the activities of even trusted employees…
  3. Which brings us to a very important point: you know those workplace prohibitions against dating your colleagues? Turns out, there’s a very good reason for those, at least if you work for CTU, and it’s got nothing to do with your supervisor being jealous because he/she can’t get his/her secret crush to pay attention to him/her. It’s because your boyfriend/girlfriend/jilted lover is almost inevitably going to turn out to be the mole. Don’t tell me you didn’t see that one coming…
  4. And on the subject of dating co-workers, it’s all very sweet that Big Ol’ Fat IT-Guy Edgar has a crush on Chloe, but can someone explain to me why he would? I mean, come on, everybody’s got somebody in their past that they wanted bad but who treated them like dirt, but holy crap she’s mean to him…
  5. And finally, why oh why oh why does everbody on this show continually refer to each other by both first and last names? Especially since it appears to be a small enough office that you’d know who everyone was? It’s always, “Get me Jack Bauer,” never, “Get me Jack,” or, tonight, “Somebody keep an eye on Tony Almeda.” Yeah, sure, Jack would just say, “Watch Tony,” and then be out the door into his sponsor-provided SUV…