Monthly Archives: December 2005

The Infinite Patience of Poodles

If you’ve been reading carefully over the past few days, you probably caught my reference to The Girlfriend’s dog in my Gary Coleman entry. He’s a toy poodle — Anne’s dog, that is, not Gary Coleman — which means he’s about the size of your average toaster. Small by my standards of doghood, but not so tiny as to render him a useless ornament that needs to be carried about in some vapid young heirress’s expensive handbag. Oddly enough, this particular poodle — whose name is Rusty — worships the very ground I walk on, despite the fact that I tease him mercilessly about how girly he looks. (To Anne’s credit, she has his fur cut in a “kennel clip,” i.e., the same length all over, rather than one of those ridiculously froofy show-dog cuts. But he still looks pretty unmasculine when we first pick him up from the groomer, with all his curl blow-dried into fluffy submission and little bows stuck in his ears or topknot.)

I think it must be in the nature of the poodle breed to put up with a basic lack of dignity. Unlike other dogs of my acquaintance, who’ve been known to pout like a scolded child at the slightest hint of mockery, Rusty seems to be entirely without ego. Why else would he allow the humans in his life to do something like this to him?

The things we do for love.

Yep, no pride at all, not that pooch…


The Bestest Christmas Gift Ever!

So, just in case nothing on my wish list calls to you as something you’d really like to get ol’ Jas for Christmas this year, here’s another idea:

Yes, please.

This is the Ultimate Arcade unit, now available at Costco. As the ad copy describes it, you can:

Play all your favorite classic games with the Ultimate Arcade by the Chicago Gaming Company. Made by a real coin-op game company, the Ultimate Arcade has all your favorite games from Atari, Capcom, Midway, Golden Tee Golf, and Universal. It even has a deactivated coin door so you play for free!
Features legendary arcade games, authentic in every detail, including Asteroids, Battlezone, Berzerk, Centipede, Millipede, Missile Command, Mortal Kombat, Mr. Do!, Street Fighter ll, Tempest, Mega Man, Super Breakout, 1942, and more.

You can read a complete list of the games included in this nifty toy by clicking the link. I could bore you all with specific memories relating to many of them and nostalgic recountings of the early, wonderfully simple days of videogamery, but for now let’s just say that a significant chunk of my middle-school experience is represented here. (Although two of my favorite vintage arcade games, Q-Bert and Zaxxon, are glaringly absent. And so, I see, is Donkey Kong. How the hell can you do a classic game retrospective without Donkey Kong? That’s just wrong…)


Ten Weird ‘N’ Random Things About R. Jason Bennion

Jen has posted yet another meme over at her LiveJournal that I have decided to appropriate for my own uses. I sense a pattern developing here, in which Jen finds the meme and I follow her lead… I’m such a clone.

Anyway, this time the drill is, as the title up there suggests, to post ten weird and random facts about yourself, a task that is considerably more difficult than you might think at first. It’s taken me all afternoon to think of enough things that are sufficiently “weird” and/or “random” to be included, and I’m still not entirely sure the items I’ve chosen qualify. You be the judge:
