Chenopup Joins Us in South Park

The title of this entry is pretty self-explanatory. Here’s yet another of those uncanny South Park-ized versions of my friends:


Hmm, looks like a film studies teacher.

Again, I have no photo of Cheno handy for comparisons. Sorry. However, it looks pretty good to me, and Cheno himself says the only thing this little guy is missing is “a really tired, ragged look (how I feel).” Maybe the next version of South Park Studio will give us the option for “fatigued.”


One comment on “Chenopup Joins Us in South Park

  1. chenopup

    nor do they have a “strech-mode” that would allow a more proportioned duplicate of myself. Now I know what I’d look like if I had stopped growing in the 4th grade. 🙂
    nub nub