Christmas Ideas For Yours Truly

About a year ago, I started a wish list on so I could keep track of titles that piqued my interest. I never intended to make the list public; it’s been purely for my own notekeeping up until now. The fact is, I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of posting a list here on my blog or sending it to everyone in my e-mail address book, because it seemed presumptuous or even arrogant to assume that anyone would want to buy me a gift for no particular reason. (Not to mention the potential embarassment factor once people have proof of how low my tastes actually run.)

However, as Anne pointed out to me recently, Christmas is fast approaching and I’m not the easiest guy in the world to buy for. So, for the benefit of my friends who read this and never know what I might like (as well as, I suppose, any strangers who might feel the need to send me stuff), I have re-evaluated my thinking about wish lists and decided to go ahead and post a link to mine. If you live here in the valley, I urge you to use this list as a source of ideas only. Write down the title and go buy the book locally — Sam Weller’s and The King’s English need your support. As for my friends who live out of state or otherwise don’t wish to see me in person this holiday season, feel free to use the Amazon system.

And now, without further lame preamble, I give you:

Bennion’s wishlist.

Happy shopping…


7 comments on “Christmas Ideas For Yours Truly

  1. Cranky Robert

    Huh. I was expecting more Star Wars.

  2. chenopup

    Not until you read the other 2000 books you have in boxes down in the dirt room!!!!!!!

  3. jason

    Robert: now you know what I meant about that embarassment factor…
    Cheno: Don’t you know it’s all about the possessing, not the reading? 🙂

  4. chenopup

    well if you ever need furniture, you can throw a slipcover over a pile of books 🙂

  5. jason

    Nah, I use ’em to hold up the floor!

  6. chenopup

    I’m just waiting for someone to unearth a prehistoric sloth from down there…

  7. jason

    That’s my plan for retirement, actually, to bring up the fossil and sell it to a museum…