More South Park Kids

That South Park-ifier I found the other day is turning out to be a lot of fun. Two of my three loyal readers, The Girlfriend and Cranky Robert, have submitted their visions of themselves to the proprietor of this blog, and I’ve also cobbled together my own version of Anne. I am frankly amazed at how accurate these things are, if you know who they’re supposed to be. To illustrate, I’m going to post these new examples here with links to photos from my gallery for comparison. And because all the images I’ve posted lately are probably making download times miserable for the poor schmucks like me that are still running on dial-up connections, I’ll put them below the fold, for your convenience. Click through if you dare!

Here’s the first one, which is my version of Anne. This would be Anne in casual mode, the way she looks shuffling around the house after work…

Casual Anne

And here’s Anne’s version of herself. Interestingly, hers is a bit more dressed up-looking, even though she and I selected the same clothing:

Dressy Anne

And finally, my evil twin Robert in his favorite setting, the classroom:

Cranky Robert

If anyone else wants to join us at the bus stop, just mail your South Park avatars to me at (I write my address like that to throw off the spammers, if you didn’t know. Just replace the -at- with a @.)


2 comments on “More South Park Kids

  1. anne

    I find it’s interesting that both you and I selected longer hair for me. Guess it’s time I start growing it out again. 🙂

  2. jason

    I don’t know about you, but I chose the longer hair just because it looked more feminine than the other available options… 🙂