Franklin? Who the Heck Is Franklin?

I loved the Peanuts comic strip when I was a kid. I had — still have, somewhere in the depths of the Bennion Archives — a dozen or so paperback compilations that I carried around in my back pocket all through my elementary-school years. I practically had those books memorized, I flipped through them so frequently. I identified with Charlie Brown’s insecurity and I thought the World War I flying ace was the coolest. But as I moved into middle school, I came to realize that I didn’t think the strip was very funny. It was gentle and wise, as its fans so often claim. It was also stodgy and old-fashioned, sometimes preachy, occasionally heartwarming or cute, but it was never funny. I can’t recall ever laughing out loud at a Peanuts strip the way I did over Bloom County or Calvin and Hobbes or even the early, pre-sell-out Garfield, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I actually read a Peanuts strip.

Still, I do have a soft spot for the characters of Charles Schulz — they were very important to me when I was very young and memories of them linger in my heart, like kindergarten friends you haven’t seen in decades — so I couldn’t resist taking the latest personality quiz that’s circulating through the blogosphere, the Which Peanuts Character Are You? test. Here is my result:

You are Franklin!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I guess this is an accurate enough description of me. Funny thing, though: I don’t remember this character. Not even a little. I find that odd and more than a little disturbing, considering how obsessive I used to be about this strip. Who is this guy? And what does it say about me that my Schulzian personality match is so forgettable?


4 comments on “Franklin? Who the Heck Is Franklin?

  1. Cranky Robert

    Would it please you to know that I also got Franklin? Evil Twin Syndrome again. I remember the name Franklin and recognize the character (I think he is the only character with darker skin, though it’s never clear what his ethnicity is). Other than that, I can’t remember anything he does. Maybe it’s the catchall category for people who don’t fit a classic type.

  2. jason

    Great… we fall into the “Other” category… 🙂

  3. anne

    I remember seeing Franklin with the gang, but I don’t remember any specific things about him.
    I’m Linus. “You’re not as stupid as people might like to think. however, you are humble and inherently kind. You are easily taken advantage of but are quick to forgive and forget. You can make friends out of enemies.”
    I don’t know about the friends out of enemies part, but the rest seems to fit.

  4. jason

    Yeah, I would say that fits, dear. But I don’t know that anyone thinks you’re stupid… I certainly don’t.