I Am Kirok!

It’s another online survey designed to tell you what you want to hear about yourself! In this case, you can learn which fantasy/science fiction character you are. I know you’re dying to know whether a soulless piece of programming code thinks I’m a Jedi or a Toydarian junk dealer, so I won’t keep you in suspense. My results are:

James T. Kirk
An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.
I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

I probably would’ve been more amused by a more obscure character, but I can live with this. After all, Jim always had the best chair on the ship…


8 comments on “I Am Kirok!

  1. anne

    Not to mention he always got all the chicks. 🙂

  2. jason

    Yeah, that’s also a plus. 😉

  3. Jen B.

    Talk about unobscure…

  4. Jen B.

    Eh, it stripped the code. Anyway… I’m Yoda. Bwahahaha.

  5. chenopup

    Makes sense. I heard that Kirk finally got his own Starship at 36 years old. 🙂

  6. jason

    As I recall, he was supposed to be one of the youngest captains ever…

  7. Dave

    So, where’s your ship? I want to see it…
    After much trepidation, it looks like I turned out to be Jean-Luc Picard. At least it’s not Janeway.

  8. jason

    Picard is cool, Dave. You could’ve been Neelix…