Hot Rod for Sale!

1929 Ford Model A hot rod with custom trailer

My father has been trying to sell the car pictured above for an acquaintance of his, a widow whose late husband doted on this fine automobile. Dad hasn’t had much luck finding a buyer around here, so about a week ago he asked if I’d help him put it up on eBay in the hopes of reaching a larger audience. The auction went live tonight and will run through Halloween.
I have no idea if anyone reading this blog would be in the market for a car like this, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to use my bully pulpit as best I can. FYI, this is a 1929 Ford Model A with an all-metal body and fiberglass fenders, a modern frame and drivetrain, a custom-built fiberglass trailer, and lots of chrome under the hood. Additional details can be found in the auction description. Dad’s been driving it to car shows all summer, and it’s a sweet little ride. If you’re interested, please check out the auction. And, if you’re not interested, do me a favor and pass this news along to any friends of yours who might be. Let’s do a little viral marketing here, folks, and sell a car for a kindly old widow lady.

You can click on the photo up there to get a larger view of the vehicle, or just go straight to the auction for some different views. Thanks for looking, and good luck if you decide to bid.


4 comments on “Hot Rod for Sale!

  1. Cranky Robert

    Kinda makes me wish I were in the market for a car! What kind of gas mileage does it get?

  2. jason

    Gas? I thought it ran on whale oil, actually…

  3. Anonymous

    [annoying porno spam deleted]

  4. chenopup

    Wow.. just yesterday you only had the car listed on Ebay. 🙂