Dog Blog

If you’ve spent much time exploring the rest of blogosphere, you may have gotten the erroneous impression that all bloggers are cat owners. That’s because of a common phenomenon called catblogging, the posting of adorable photos of cats doing, well, cat stuff. Cat owners love to catblog, it seems, while dog owners remain oddly introverted about displaying their pets to the world. I say it’s time for canine-lovers to balance the scales. In the name of equal pet exposure, I present the following image, which I’ve just added to my photo gallery

The Shadow knows...

That’s my dog, Shadow. He’s a border collie, a breed rumored to be among the most intelligent of all dog varieties. I don’t know about that, but I can say that he often gives me the willies with the way he seems to understand ordinary, conversational English. The drawback to such an intelligent pet, of course, is that he suffers from a whole raft of neuroses, including a tendency to sulk for the rest of the day whenever he doesn’t get to go along in the car. And then there’s that whole obsessive-compulsive ball-chasing thing. If you don’t know what I mean by that, you’ve obviously never encountered a border collie.

Come to think of it, you might count yourself lucky for that…

[For the record, I’ve nothing against cats. I’ve owned many cats over the years and frankly think the whole “cat person-dog person” thing is silly. They both have their pluses and minuses as companions. It’s just that, at the moment, I have a dog. And even with the neuroses, he’s a pretty cool dog.]


2 comments on “Dog Blog

  1. Dave

    Okay, I don’t have much to say about dogs or cats, but I do have to say that your link to was frightening on so many levels:
    1. Why would anyone buy the domain name and run a website? Mind boggling.
    2. That has to be about the dumbest-ass idea for a website I’ve ever heard of, and
    3. I thought that a couple of those were actually really cute.
    It is the third thing that bothers me the most, I think.

  2. jason

    Yes, it is deeply disturbing, isn’t it? But that’s what the internet is for…