A Disastrous Merging of Universes

Oh, boy, is this geeky… so terribly, terribly geeky that even I am frightened by it (but it seems to making the rounds of the ‘net today, so I’m honor-bound to link to it):

Changes in George Lucas’s Lord of the Rings: Special Edition.

For your convenience, I’ll reproduce the list below the fold so you don’t have to follow the link, but I caution you. Read on only if you are stout of heart…

11. Hobbits’ resistance to The Ring is caused by the high number of midichlorians they possess.
10. One hyphenated word: Jar-Jaromir!
9. Gandalf to set off fifteen minute fireworks display every time the party stops to rest.
8. “Help me Tom Bombadil, you’re my only hope.”
7. All Orcs actually clones of Wormtongue.
6. Extra hobbits added digitally. Like, loads of hobbits. Especially in Mordor. Kids love hobbits, right?
5. Witch King hilariously eaten by Oliphant.
4. “It’s about this one guy, Gollum, and how he is redeemed through hard work.”
3. Elves have these really cool houses in the trees.
2. At The Prancing Pony, Bill Ferny shoots Aragorn first.
1. All poetry of original restored, complete with musical backing and endless CG dancers.


2 comments on “A Disastrous Merging of Universes

  1. anne

    Oh boy. Some people really do have too much free time on their hands. 🙂

  2. jason

    Yeah, the whole thing left me kind of speechless, actually.