Addendum to the Previous Entry

[Ed. note: if you haven’t read the previous entry already, please do so now. I’ll wait… finished? Okay, procede.]

It seems this isn’t the first time John Densmore’s refusal to let Doors songs be used to peddle products has gotten some press. I’ve found a piece he wrote on this subject three years ago for The Nation. It’s pretty rambling and positively reeks of aging hippie, but if you’re interested in reading the man’s own words instead of a few cut-lines and a journalist’s interpretation of his opinion, follow the link. Here’s his argument, in a nutshell:

I’m pretty clear that we shouldn’t [sell our songs for commercials]. We don’t need the money. But I get such pressure from one particular bandmate (the one who wears glasses and plays keyboards). [Ed. note: that would be Ray Manzarek.]


“Commercials will give us more exposure,” he says. I ask him, “so you’re not for it because of the money?” He says “no,” but his first question is always “how much?” when we get one of these offers, and he always says he’s for it. He never suggests we play Robin Hood, either. If I learned anything from Jim, it’s respect for what we created. I have to pass. Thank God, back in 1965 Jim said we should split everything, and everyone has veto power. Of course, every time I pass, they double the offer!
