Vader Has A Thing For Japanese Schoolgirls? Who Knew?

If you enjoyed yesterday’s lighthearted peek into the personal lives of your favorite Star Wars heroes, then you’re going to love today’s head-first dive into the dank underbelly of vaguely creepy foreign marketing materials:

The power to send photos wirelessly over your phone is insignificant compared to the Force.

I mean, come on… do you really think the Dark Lord of the Sith is all that interested in text messaging?


6 comments on “Vader Has A Thing For Japanese Schoolgirls? Who Knew?

  1. Robert

    OK, I can’t resist . . . hi emp wassup? not much u?
    Vdr31: ss,dd
    Palpatine: LOL
    Vd31: Dude did u c Lost?
    Palpatine: No 🙁 Reception in new Death Star sucks ass
    Palpatine: hey u therE?
    Vd31: Sorry some hot JApanese schoolgirls r here
    Palpatine: WTF?
    Vd31: Reminds me of Padme’s hairdo
    Palpatine: Dude, you gotta get over that chick
    Vd31: It just burns me up
    Palpatine: Very funny
    Vd31: Gotta go.
    Palpatine: Luv u cuty
    VD31: you r such a tool

  2. jason

    Oh, thanks a lot, man. Now I’m laughing my ass off here at work and people are looking at me funny…

  3. anne

    Very funny. Robert, it’s looking like you have too much free time on your hands. 🙂

  4. Robert

    I’m cracking myself up, too. This has got to stop!

  5. Cranky Robert

    I’m cracking myself up, too. This has got to stop!

  6. jason

    Back away from the keyboard slowly with your fingers up…