Javi’s Night at the Emmys

Ever wonder what it’s like to be win an Emmy Award for a television series you helped create? Javier Grillo-Marxuach, supervising producer for Lost, describes his big moment like this:

now i’m on stage. my thoughts – what am i talking about – what thoughts? my brain is like a hamster on red bull and meth. here is a sample of my brain activity during any given nanosecond and at the same time i was up there:


i wouldn’t be here if upn hadn’t cancelled “jake 2.0” in the middle of its run! thank you tyra banks for doing twice our first run number on a rerun of “america’s next top model” how is my wife going to find me after this? I AM HERE FOR THE GLORY OF QU’ONOS! do i get my own trophy? god, i love monkeys. the castaways should find a monkey and train it to be their butler. wolverine! SNCKT! monkey butler. chips would be nice. never be ru-uude to an arab! hey – that’s jj abrams! volare! whoa-oh! cantare! i remember a small band of three men i saw while vacationing in the island of bequia, they sang badly and their instruments were out of tune – but they had HEART! shatner was just here! shatner. the captain. hmmm. some dip would be nice with those chips. hey guinan? where’s the rest of the el-aurian refugees? I AM HE AND YOU ARE HE AND HE IS WE AND WE ARE ALL TOGETHER!
there is a little known fact that if you stay within three feet of the microphone during the emmy acceptance speech, you are in the tv zone and will be seen by the folks at home. since my parents were watching and admonished me to be visible, i planted myself in the safe zone and stayed there until guinan and wolverine ushered us out.


then it gets weird…

Weird indeed. There’s a lot of geekiness in that excerpt, so here’s a little help for the Muggles out there: when Javi refers to Guinan and Wolverine, he really means Whoopi Goldberg and Hugh Jackman, who played Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Logan/Wolverine in the X-Men movies, respectively. They were the presenters for this particular award. In Star Trek lore, Qu’onos (pronounced Kronos) is the Klingon homeworld, while “SNCKT” is how captions in the X-Men comics describe the sound of Wolverine’s adamantium claws springing out of his hands. I leave it to you to figure out the miscellaneous song references.

If you’re interested, the rest of Javi’s experience at the Emmys is described in two massive (but highly entertaining) entries on his LiveJournal. Part One is here, and Part Two is here.

Happy Thursday!
