Getting a Life

Anne and I have been e-mailing this afternoon about the previous entry — what I was trying to say, what she thinks I actually did say, that sort of thing — and we just had an exchange that you folks out there might find amusing, especially if you’ve ever known a genuine, stereotypical geek:

ME: The thing that shocked me [about the experience at the comic-book shop] was more that I just didn’t want to talk about [Star Wars]. I didn’t want to defend my preferences for the umpteenth time. I found myself looking at this kid and thinking what all geeks hate to hear… Get a life.


ANNE: oh no! Not the dreaded “get a life”. 🙂


ME: Yes… that soul-crushing, ego-destroying weapon-of-last-resort employed by the practical and small-minded, the plebes and drudges who just don’t see how damned important it is that Adm. Kirk’s insignia changed from the left side of his uniform to the right side during beaming, and that it couldn’t have been anything as simple as a continuity error, there MUST be some “in-universe” explanation for it…

Every once in a while, I feel like I get lucky and manage to really nail a concept or an experience in words. This is one of those times…
