Tigger Immortal

My buddy Jack sent me a cute little cartoon this morning, which I’ve decided to share with all you folks out there in InternetLand (hey, it’s a Quick ‘n’ Dirty™ way to get an entry up):
From the dawn of time he came, moving silently down through the ages...
Personally, I think this is pretty funny, but then I’m in on the joke. If you don’t get it, go rent yourself a copy of the movie Highlander. I would explain it for you myself, but I don’t have that kind of time right now…


4 comments on “Tigger Immortal

  1. anne

    I want a poster of this!

  2. jason

    That could probably be arranged, if we could get a big enough printer…

  3. anne

    it wouldn’t even have to be that big. I’d take regular paper size. I need my home computer back!!!

  4. jason

    Patience, dear… The file isn’t going anywhere. 🙂