Donate at Harmon’s

If you happen to live along the Wastach Front and you’d like to donate some cash to help the victims of Katrina, might I suggest you do it at a Harmon’s grocery store? You ought to be shopping at Harmon’s anyway, because they’re the local guys and they provide the excellent service you don’t get from SuperWalMart (and you don’t need a privacy-invading Big Brother card to get the good prices, either, like you do at Smith’s). But even if you’ve never set foot in one of their stores, it’s worth paying them a special visit now, because they’re matching every dollar you donate to the Red Cross for hurricane relief. That means if you donate the money at Harmon’s that you were going to give anyway — and you know you were going to give, right? — you’ll effectively double the size of your donation.

I gave some last night. Not much, just what I had in my wallet. But it was money I just would’ve blown on DVDs anyway, and getting some help to a family that’s lost everything is much better than owning the first season of Hogan’s Heroes. Go to Harmon’s and donate now, as a favor to me, before you get busy with your holiday weekend and forget…
