Modern Jewish Girls in Sandy, Utah?

In case you were wondering, you can indeed find my friend Ruthie’s book, The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt, here in the Salt Lake area. Anne and I went shopping last night at a local Barnes and Noble store and located it with no trouble at all. There were, in fact, two copies available. And we weren’t even at the big store downtown. We were out in stiflingly dull, virtually monoethnic, suburban Sandy. The book was located in the Judaism section, which is next to the Bibles and around the corner from the LDS stuff.

So who would have thought there was a Judaism section at the Sandy B&N? I was stunned…


9 comments on “Modern Jewish Girls in Sandy, Utah?

  1. anne

    Just goes to show you should venture out of the sci-fi section once in awhile… 🙂

  2. jason

    I do!
    Sometimes I go to film studies…

  3. Ruthie

    That is freakin’ hilarious! God bless national chains. I will take a bet though that yours will be the ONLY copy anyone buys there.
    Thanks for getting it–I hope you enjoy it!

  4. jason

    Now, now, you never know… there may be a run on that lone remaining copy!

  5. Ruthie

    I happen to know that Jason also browses the “Erotic Literature” section. Jeez.

  6. Cranky Robert

    OK, that last comment was me. My computer likes to remember personal information and to insert it when I’m not paying attention. Ruthie would never be so crass. Although I’ve seen *her* browse the . . . never mind.

  7. jason

    “Ruthie would never be so crass?” Um, she is the one who repeated that deeply disturbing rumor about Owen Wilson a few entries back. Unless your computer was playing identity games then, too…

  8. Cranky Robert

    You’ve got a point there. Of course, I had managed to block Owen Wilson and his bizarro butt fetish from my mind. Thanks for bringing it back. (Cringe)

  9. jason

    Happy to be of assistance! 😉