Ruthie Gets Published!

My friend Ruth Ellenson has just emailed me with some very exciting news: her first book hits the stands today! (How ironic, in light of the previous entry‘s gloomy assessment of modern American reading habits, but this isn’t the time for pessimism…)

Yes, it’s true, I happen to know a published author. (Imagine me gripping my lapels and looking smug as I say that.) Actually, she was the editor of this volume rather than the author, since it’s a collection of essays, but hey, it’s still her name on the cover, right? Close enough to famous for my money. Here’s the message she sent me:

Ever worried about worrying enough, failed to live up to the Zionist ideals of your parents, or contemplated getting a pedicure on Yom Kippur? Then do we have the book for you….


The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt, published Monday, August 22, explodes with truth, humor, and insight into what it means to be a Jewish woman at the dawn of the 21st century. The women in this anthology bravely invite you along as they struggle to strike a balance between their heritage and their modern lives. Whether it’s the pressure of hearing a grandmother’s biological clock start to tick, the horror of being outted as a lesbian at your mother’s Yiddish club, or the burden of being the only kid in Hebrew school who actually cares, their predicaments will make you laugh, cry, and howl in recognition.


Here’s what early reviews are saying:


“Wide-ranging and thought-provoking….fresh and funny.” –Publisher’s Weekly


“A lively and intelligent gathering…what Jewish essayists may have cornered is the ability to write exhaustively and entertainingly about the subject of guilt, as further evidenced by this hip, first-person girl-centric collection.” –Seattle Times


“Trust me, you’ll feel guilty if you don’t read this hilarious and poignant collection. Move over, Woody Allen.” –St. Petersburg Times


The book can be found in stores and online at:


Barnes and Noble


If you’d like to further ease your conscience, please join us on the road for the following readings, events, and festivities:

  • Sept. 15 LOS ANGELES
    Writer’s Bloc presents at the Skirball Cultural Center
    2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
    7:30 PM
    Aimee Bender, Lori Gottlieb, Gina Nahai and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    Moderated by Dan Futterman, author of the upcoming film “Capote”
  • Sept. 19 NEW YORK
    Brandies House
    12 E. 77th St.
    7:00 PM
    Elisa Albert, Pearl Gluck, Francesca Segre and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Sept. 20 NEW YORK
    Barnes & Noble Village
    396 Ave. of the Americ as
    7:30 PM
    Wendy Shanker, Susan Shapiro and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Sept. 25 LOS ANGELES
    Dutton’s Brentwood
    11975 San Vincente Blvd.
    2:00 PM
    Sharon Brous, Lori Gottlieb, Amy Klein, Francesca Segre and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Sept. 28 NEW YORK
    Happy Endings Reading Series presents “Guilt Night”
    302 Broome St
    Between Forsyth and Eldridge
    8:00 PM
    Jennifer Bleyer, Baz Dreisinger, Wendy Shanker, Rebecca Walker and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    West Hollywood Book Fair
    8300 Santa Monica Blvd.
    3:00 PM
    Amy Klein, Gina Nahai and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Oct. 5 NEW YORK
    Joe’s Pub
    425 Lafayette St.
    Joint Performance with Nice Jewish Girl’s Gone Bad
    9:30 PM
    Elisa Albert, Wendy Shanker, Sheryl Zohn and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    featuring: Judy Gold, Vanessa , Goddess Perlman and Ophira Eisenberg
  • Oct. 6 NEW YORK
    Upper West Side JCC
    334 Amsterdam Avenue
    8:00 PM
    Rebecca Goldstein, Binnie Kirshenbaum, Daphne Merkin, Susan Shapiro and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Oct. 8 NEW YORK
    Heeb Magazine Party
    Mo Pitkins
    34 Avenue A, b/w 2nd and 3rd Sts.
    Featuring a performance by Pharoh’s Daughter’s Basya Schechter
    7: 00 PM
    Kera Bolonik, Pearl Gluck, Molly Jong-Fast, Cynthia Kaplan and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Oct. 14-15 BERKELEY
    University of Calirofnia at Berkeley Hillel
    Ayelet Waldman and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Oct. 20-21 OHIO
    Ohio University Hillel
    Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    San Francisco Jewish Community Center
    3200 California St.
    11:00 AM
    Aimee Bender, Daphne Merkin, Rebecca Walker and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Nov. 8 CHERRY HILL, NJ
    Katz Jewish Community Center
    1301 Springdale Road
    7: 00 PM
    Lauren Grodstein, Wendy Shanker, Laurie Gwen Shapiro and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center
    7: 00 PM
    Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Nov. 10 NEW YORK
    35 W. 67th St.
    7:00 PM
    Elisa Albert, Jennifer Bleyer, Lauren Grodstein, Dara Horn, Molly Jong-Fast,
    Amy Klein, Laurie Gwen Shapiro, Sheryl Zohn and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    DC Jewish Community Center
    1529 16th St. NW
    5:00 PM
    TBA and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
    Springfield JCC
    7:00 PM
    TBA and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Nov. 17 BOSTON
    Brookline Booksmith
    279 Harvard St.
    7:00 PM
    Rebecca Goldstein, Rachel Kadish, Tova Mirvis and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Nov. 30 PASADENA, CA
    Pasadena Jewish Community Center
    Cal Tech Anatheum
    1200 E. California Blvd.
    2:00 PM
    Amy Klein, Gina Nahai and Ruth Andrew Ellenson
  • Dec. 6 LOS ANGELES
    Wilshire Boulevard Temple
    11661 W. Olympic Blvd.
    7:00 PM
    TBA and Ruth Andrew Ellenson

Please pass this on to whomever you think would be interested.


Happy reading,

Curiously enough, I don’t see Salt Lake City on her book tour. Perhaps the publisher didn’t think there would be much of a market for it here?

In any event, I wish her much success with the book and sincerely hope she enjoys this experience. I intend to live vicariously through her for a while, since the closest I’ve come to publication is this little vanity project right here on the Web. If any of my three loyal readers have any interest in this subject matter, or if you just like the idea of supporting a new literary voice (who, I understand, is currently working on an actual novel), then please click one of the links above and buy a copy…


8 comments on “Ruthie Gets Published!

  1. Non-Cranky Robert

    Jason–This is very sweet. We went out to the local B&N to ooh and aah and it was a big thrill. I hope your three loyal readers and the SLC Jewish community (yes, I know it’s there!) will follow your endorsement and persuade her to come out!

  2. anne

    As one of the three loyal readers, I want to offer my heartfelt congratulations to Ruthie. What an accomplishment. And it would be great to see you in Salt Lake. πŸ™‚
    Jas – we’ll have to make a run to the B&N tonight.

  3. Ruthie

    That is so nice of you! But no one will be more shocked than I will if the Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt is carried at the Barnes & Noble in Salt Lake City! Unless they put it in the anthropology section.

  4. anne

    I’ll let you know tomorrow if we find it. πŸ™‚ If not, I’ll be ordering it tomorrow.

  5. jason

    Geez, you go away for a few hours and a whole conversation takes place behind your back!
    Robert and/or Ruthie, you’ll have to email and tell me all about it.
    Anne, don’t make me go to B&N, no, please, not that… πŸ™‚

  6. Bride of Ex-Cranky

    Well my mother just called me and told me she bought a copy in Lynchburg, Virginia so I imagine it must be avialble at B&N in SLC

  7. anne

    I’ve been waiting for Jas to put up a post, but since he hasn’t…
    We got the book last night at the B&N in Sandy, UT. πŸ™‚ They acutally had 2 copies.

  8. jason

    You’re so impatient, darling. I was getting to it…