Slowly Going Mad

I’m sure everyone has had the experience of hearing a catchy song and having it continue to play in your head for hours or even days on end. But have you ever had a piece of music spontaneously pop into your mind for no apparent reason? It happens to me sometimes… I’ll just wake up with the mental iPod churning out a song or even just part of a song, and then it stays there all freaking day.

Often when this happens, the accursed audio fragment is the theme from an old TV show, usually one I haven’t heard in years, and usually something that just drips with Velveeta. You know what I mean, the sort of theme that you’re ashamed to admit you ever heard once, let alone remembered well enough to resurrect as a continuous loop.

Case in point: I’ve had the theme from Knight Rider running non-stop through my brain ever since breakfast.

Won’t somebody out there please kill me now? Please? Just do it quickly and humanely…


2 comments on “Slowly Going Mad

  1. anne

    Istanbul was Constantinople but it’s Instanbul not Constantinople been a long time gone, Constantinople, how did Constantinple get the works? That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.

  2. jason

    I think I prefer the theme from Knight Rider, thanks…