Apologies, and What Happens When You Take Your Opinions Way Too Far

Hey, kids — sorry about the relative paucity of activity around here lately. Real Life gave me the old one-two punch a couple weeks ago, which means I got too busy to blog as much as I wanted to. That wouldn’t be a big deal, except that I’ve continued to run across interesting topics that I’ve wanted to blog about. The end result is a very frustrated blogger, who is currently feeling very behind and more than a little overwhelmed. I hope to churn out quite a bit of content in the next week or two, but chances are I’ll have to abandon some of the ideas I’ve been wanting to play with in the interest of staying current. C’est la vie, I guess. We’ll see how it goes.

In the meantime here’s a little something for you to chew over: it seems that a 19-year-old Australian moviegoer lost the tip of his nose this past weekend in a brawl outside a movie theater. The fight escalated from a disagreement over whether the film Sin City was any good.

Now, I’ve gotten into some pretty heated discussions about the relative merits of particular movies before, but hot enough to resort to mutilation? That’s just… well, I’m really not sure what it is, but it’s a whole lot of something. I can’t begin to imagine being so worked up about a piece of entertainment. If your opponent’s facial features are starting to look tasty because he didn’t like a movie you thought was great, I really think it’s time to seek counseling. Or at the very least you need to learn the phrase “agree to disagree.” After all, it’s only a movie…
