Follow-up on the Previous…

Just thought my three loyal readers would like to know that Anne dropped into the offices of her apartment complex this afternoon and got the skinny on that accident I described earlier.

It seems the woman who piled her Grand Cherokee into the canal was taking a newly prescribed medication, which either put her to sleep or otherwise affected her mental functions. (She has no memory of what actually happened.) A resident of the complex who witnessed the crash said it was much as I speculated: the Jeep drifted into the driveway, rolled up onto the sidewalk and hammered through the fence without any sign that the driver tried to brake or steer away. The vehicle went airborne across the canal, flipped over, and slid down the bank into the water. I’m not sure if it was this witness or someone else, but someone from the complex earned their good-deed merit badge by plunging into the canal and holding the driver’s head above water until help arrived. The woman’s legs were pinned in the Jeep and she had to be cut out of the wreck, but her injuries were relatively minor, considering: a few broken bones and a lot of bruises.

She got lucky, and I’m glad for her. This story easily could’ve had a much worse ending…


5 comments on “Follow-up on the Previous…

  1. Robert

    Sounds like the real story here is the person who rescued her. You ought to track this person down and do an interview for the blog.

  2. jason

    Whoever it was, that person certainly deserves some recognition. I’m really amazed that this didn’t make the newspapers or TV…

  3. anne

    According to the girl I talked to in the office, there was a tv story on one of the stations the night it happened, but I don’t know which one.

  4. Tiff

    I talked to Cord’s mom yesterday and she saw it on the news. She couldn’t remember the details though. Glad to know she’s okay.

  5. jason

    Guess I just missed the TV story, but I’m still disappointed the papers didn’t do anything about it. Must’ve been something more exciting happening that day…